![]() 03/03/2015 at 08:16 • Filed to: audiolopnik | ![]() | ![]() |
I'm picking up an 80s' Fisher MT-6310 for $20 off Craigslist later today. It's not a very great turntable by any means, but it will do just fine for college dorm needs. The best part is this will be the newest piece of audio equipment I own (other than my backup receiver).
![]() 03/03/2015 at 09:03 |
I still haven't gotten one - I kind of figure I'll grab one of the ones that periodically show up at Goodwill when I feel The Need. Sometimes those are rough, but other times, quite nice. If I really need to get my vinyl on in the mean time, there's my parents' one - chipboard-bodied cheap menace with a bad needle that it is.
![]() 03/03/2015 at 09:08 |
Awesome. I've really been getting into vinyl recently. My wonderful girlfriend bought me a RAM and Led Zeppelin II album for my birthday.
![]() 03/03/2015 at 09:27 |
I feel ya bro. In the past week I've gotten dark plastic framed glasses and an iPhone. Wanna go grab an overpriced latte drink and talk about bands nobody else has heard of?
![]() 03/03/2015 at 09:33 |
Nice! I don't care much either way about whether records are 'hipster' or not, but I love the sense of ceremony and tactile experience of putting one on. Got much of a record collection already, or is this a first foray into the world of vinyl?
Have some hi-fi porn from my living room: a Bang & Olufsen linear-tracking turntable and matching receiver, a record collection in an old Johnnie Walker crate, and a '60s stereo amp holding up a few extras.
Oh God. I've gone full hipster.
![]() 03/03/2015 at 09:48 |
Damn. Now I want one in the corner of my room.
![]() 03/03/2015 at 09:50 |
I really need to pick-up a decent turn table, I have a bunch of original Pink Floyd albums that are currently nothing more than wall art...
![]() 03/03/2015 at 11:26 |
It's not hipster if you actually use it and care about it. I bought a turntable off someone from craigslist when I was in college and he proceeded to sell me just about any of his mint condition records I wanted for $1 each.
![]() 03/03/2015 at 16:42 |
It's all about the needle and cartridge. I hear Shure is what is up for Fishers. Most of my DJ friends are Grado junkies but they have higher end stuff with better shielding (at least from what they tell me about these things).
![]() 03/03/2015 at 17:08 |
Oh god I want that table. There are a couple B&O turntables on craigslist right now near me, but all of therm are over $300.
![]() 03/03/2015 at 17:09 |
Nice, I just borrowed some vinyl my dorm has had in storage since the 70s from back when it ran a radio station.
![]() 03/03/2015 at 17:11 |
Sounds great, I have to go buy a new beanie. These are my glasses... so hipster.
![]() 03/03/2015 at 17:11 |
I have an early pressing copy of the Wall but I really need Dark Side.
![]() 03/03/2015 at 17:31 |
Heh, it's not a table – it's built into the window ledge! Even cooler, just off to the left of the frame is a panel that lifts up to reveal a 1940s Garrard turntable sunk into the cabinet! There are signs of an amp and tuner having been mounted in the cupboard below where the receiver is, and there's a bunch of old speaker wiring in the basement that runs from there to nearly every room. The manufacturing date on the turntable matches up with when the house was built (just after WW2), so I can only conclude that the original owner was quite the audiophile. I've been meaning to pull the turntable out and recondition it, but with a perfectly good (and technologically far better) one right next to it, I'm happy to keep it as just a decorative piece.
I'd call B&O the Citroën of audio gear. Odd-looking (although often very attractive), quirky to use, and technically brilliant in some ways while being rather flawed in others. Their equipment was crazy-expensive when new, and tends to have a bit of a cult following. In all honesty, I wouldn't usually consider it worth the price – their turntables are fantastic, but they use hard-to-find proprietary cartridges, and trying to make their gear talk to any other brand (in either direction) is also rather difficult, and impossible in some cases. Still, I love the design, and I didn't pay much for my setup (both the turntable and receiver were broken when I got them), so I'm thrilled with it.
As an example of their weirdness, note the complete absence of buttons on the front panel of the receiver – you can switch it on and off by pressing on one edge, but aside from that, all controls and displays are on that wedge-shaped control panel at the far right of the photo, which connects wirelessly to the receiver.
![]() 03/03/2015 at 17:39 |
Goodness that is so cool! I have a weird thing for houses that have character. I can't wait to get my own place so all my mid-late 70s equipment can be on display.
![]() 03/03/2015 at 21:58 |
I have Meddle, Dark Side, Wish You Were Here, Animals, The Wall, Final Cut, a radio single of Another Brick/Comfortably Numb (on pink vinyl), Division Bell (repro), and Endless River framed on my bar walls. Sadly, I've never played any of them...
You don't need to point-out how criminal that is...
![]() 03/03/2015 at 23:09 |
The Fisher is a decent turntable, and at $20, I think you got a really great deal. If you get into vinyl more later, you can start goofing around with cartridges and whatnot. Do you have an outboard preamp or a reciever/amp with a phono preamp built in?
![]() 03/03/2015 at 23:54 |
I have an external preamp for when I cant use my late 70s Pioneer SX-650 receiver. I am use to using my father's Dual turntable but I was not allowed to take it to college with me. Currently the Fisher has an Audiotechnica cartridge.
![]() 03/04/2015 at 07:32 |
Careful now. That shit's addictive:
Pic from my basement man-cave
![]() 03/04/2015 at 10:26 |
I already own that Pioneer reel to reel...